About Us

Uniting for a better world to live in!

BOMI-USA Outdoor Group Photo
people smiling

NATIONAL BOMI COUNTY ASSOCIATION In The AMERICAS (NBCAA) is a 501C3, membership-based, welfare support, non-profit organization operated within the United States of America. The organization strives to address the general welfare of its members and to improve the living condition of the people of Bomi County, Liberia, West Africa.


NBCAA was founded by Mr. James G Snetter and several other citizens of Bomi residing in the United States. During the winter of 1991, Mr. James G. Snetter who lived in New York City at the time visited Liberia during the civil war to search for his family and came across dire conditions of his fellow citizens. When he returned to New York City that winter, he called Rev. D. Boimah Edwards Jr. and a few permanent citizens of Bomi County residing in New York City at his home in Harlem. Mr. Snetter told the Bomi Citizens that there was a pressing need to come together and help the people in Bomi County who were suffering and experiencing some of the most deplorable conditions he witnessed first-hand in the Liberian civil war. After several consultations, the idea was embraced at a mass meeting held that same year in Harlem, New York City. The following citizens of Bomi County were in attendance: Mr. James G. Snetter of Harlem, NY; Mr. Jayah Taylor of Brooklyn, NY; Mr. Momo Johnson of Brooklyn, NY; Mr. John Zinnah Coney of Rhode Island, NY; Mr. James J. McGill, Sr. of Staten Island, NY; Mr. Famah Johnson of Brooklyn, NY; Mr. E. Folley McGill of Staten Island, NY; Mr. E. ArmasoBawn of Brooklyn, NY; and Rev. D. Boimah Edwards, Jr of Brooklyn, NY. At that meeting, the body agreed to name the organization “Bomi County Association in the Americas of New York and New Jersey” and Rev. Daniel Boimah Edwards Jr. was elected the first President. He served as President of the “Bomi County Association in the Americas of New York and New Jersey” from 1991 to 2005.

On August 26, 2005, citizens of Bomi County in the United States met again in Germantown, Maryland to expand on the scope of BCAA. At that convention, the constitution was adopted by the citizens of Bomi County present. Also, the name “National Bomi County Association in the Americas,” acronym NBCAA, was coined. Again, Rev. Daniel Boimah Edwards Jr. was elected as the first National President of NBCAA.

Unfortunately, after some time of service, Rev. Edwards fell seriously ill resulting in major surgery. This situation created a major setback in the growth and active participation of members, thus making NBCAA a dormant organization for more than 10 years.

In 2019, Rev. Edwards and Deacon Telee Browne once again saw the need to reawaken the spirit of NBCAA. Fortunately for the organization, a young and energetic Bomi citizen by the name Murphy Gibson gracefully accepted the responsibility of leading the revamping process. That same year, Mr. Gibson was elected as acting president. Mr. Murphy Gibson fulfilled his commitment to making NBCAA a household name both in the diaspora and in Liberia. During the interim period, Mr. Gibson’s leadership secured the article of incorporation, state registration, and 501C3 status (federal registration) for the organization. His leadership also undertook several projects which includes the Klay Clinic Project, the women empowerment project, the Gaya Hill Disaster Project, the expansion of the membership to hundreds of citizens, the revamping of several chapters, the election of new code of leaders of NBCAA, among several other projects.

In October of 2021, Gibson’s leadership took NBCAA to a national convention that elected Musa V. Willie as national president. Mr. Willie previously served as secretary during the interim period, and he is credited for being one of the brains behind the revamping process. NBCAA currently has 8 local chapters and 2 auxiliary county organizations.


The objectives of NBCAA include but are not limited to the following:

  • To foster a keen sense of solidarity with democratically elected governments that respect and uphold the universal standards of human rights in Liberia.
  • Creating opportunities for self-empowerment and giving back to Bomi County and its people through educational, economic, legal, social, and humanitarian services.
  • Building and promoting strong community spirit and unity among members of the Association and its affiliates.
  • Inspiring young people to actively participate in community services or roles at local and national levels
  • Cultivating strong community spirit, unity, and congenial relationship aimed at resolving conflicts and disputes amongst our people to advance peaceful co-existence, socio-economic integration, and revitalization in Bomi County and Liberia as a whole.


To protect our common interests, general welfare, prosperity, and to nurture a strong community spirit that fosters greater understanding and good relationships among ourselves, with other people, and organizations both in the diaspora and Liberia.

Do you have any questions regarding our programs? Do not hesitate to send us a message.